The last great food experience of 2006 must be the first post of 2007. Thanksgiving in San Diego was the best idea ever conceived. Not only is the weather unbeatable and the family lovably strange, but the food blew me away. My auntie is very serious about food, for which I am grateful.
Shown is her Pumpkin-Curry soup, smooth with just enough spicy kick to make you think. Other highlights from Thanksgiving included Michelle's fresh cranberry-mint sauce, the golden turkey brined and roasted with orange slices, and the cornbread stuffing with sage and sausage. Of course, nothing can beat desserts made by Cousin Mike and I: pumpkin cheesecake and apple cranberry pie. And nothing can beat eating everything on a table, decked out Martha-style, on the back patio. In November.
The entire week was filled with food and fun. Auntie's southwestern pork chops, Liz's fresh salsa, and, the grand finale: Tamale Night. Saturday the whole family worked assembly line style to make tamales, from the crumbly masa to the rolled up and steamed corn husks. Quality Assurance (aka Auntie) sent back the ones the didn't meet size and filling requirements. End product = Amazing. Just when we thought life couldn't get any better, the hot tub bubbled and steamed, and the cousins soaked and laughed.
All was not eating - at 6:00 am on Thanksgiving, we all woke up and ran Father Joe's Thanksgiving Day 5K. And one day we went on a fantastic hike in Mission Trails. A balanced life is a happy one, Happiest though, was after a soak in the hot tub, the chocolate concoction Liz and I made - cocoa, chocolate chips, caramel drizzles, and a nice scoop of whipped cream.
And I'll leave out the part about the cousin's all night revelry in downtown San Diego...
This is wonderful Christiney! I'm glad you found an outlet for your food adventures!
Ohhhh Coronado: the food is always good and the air just as fresh.
I wish that we were still eating the pumpkin soup.
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